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Sounds of Summer Can Cause Hearing Damage

Summertime is filled with days of sunshine, cool breezes and green grass. Yet David Coffin cautions that this season is not all about fun and games. The common sounds of summer can likely cause permanent hearing loss.


Mr. Coffin, the director of the audiology clinic at Ball State University, Indiana, says these deafening noises can come from anywhere: car horns in traffic, buzzing lawnmowers in the suburbs or the rhythm of the marching band’s percussions.


Ideally, our ears should not be exposed to noise or sounds exceeding 80 decibels. According to Mr. Coffin, any noise above that level can cause hearing loss. However, summer’s deafening noises go up within the 90 to 140 decibel range.


“We are living in a society that gets louder every year,” Mr. Coffin observes.


Nearly 15 percent of Americans under age 19 suffer from certain forms of hearing loss. This is attributed to exposure to unsafe sound or noise levels. Accordingly, deaf or hearing-impaired individuals are likely to experience muffled hearing or pain and discomfort in the ears.


He adds that warm weather can be conducive for a lot of activities, both indoor and outdoor. But these activities pose as risk factors for hearing damage.


“Now that the weather is warmer, we are exposed to all sorts of sounds that can lead to permanent hearing loss. The average person will wear a helmet when riding a bike, or a seat belt in a vehicle, but doesn't even think about ear protection when going to watch a rock band, a fireworks display, or even an auto race,” Mr. Coffin remarks.




I´m 61 years old and lost my hearing gradually over many years. Because my hearing loss developed so slowly, I never realized it was happening. But my friends and family sure did. Because of them, I decided to get my hearing tested. Dr. Andrews keeps working with you until you are satisfied. That´s what I like. I haven´t heard this well in years. ~ R. McGreggor